Our API is currently more suited to fetch real-time indicators rather than historical data. However, we offer ways to access historical indicator values easily and efficiently.
To access historical values, you use the backtrack parameter. The backtrack parameter specifies what the indicator value was X candles back. Let's say you are interested in the RSI values on the daily timeframe (interval=1d). You want to know what the RSI on the BTC/USDT pair was 7 days ago. Getting that is very simple, all you need to do is run this query:
Notice the parameter backtrack=7 → that tells the API to return the value not on the latest candle, but 7 candles back. This way, you can easily access any indicator value or candle information 1,7,50 or any other amount of candles back.
Attached please find a chart screenshot that makes it easy to understand which candles correspond to which backtrack value.